Real action to cut cancer
I want to establish a cancer screening and diagnostics centre in Wimbledon to help catch cancer earlier.
Cllr Paul Kohler, Liberal Democrat candidate for Wimbledon
Paul Kohler and the Lib Dems are fighting for a cancer screening and diagnostic hub in Wimbledon.
Merton is now well below the average in England for screening cancer and preventative care.
A Merton Council report resutling from a Merton Lib Dems' amendment calling for more action locally noted, specifcally with regards to breast cancer screening that:
"Due to the impact of the pandemic, Merton’s coverage (women eligible screened in the last 3 years) has decreased significantly from 70.4% in 2020, to 59.9% in 2021 and reduced further in 2022 to 56.8%.
"The performance in Merton is significantly lower than the national target for breast cancer screening (70%), higher than the London average of 55.5% (2022) but lower than the England average (65.2%) in 2022. Merton is now ranked 14th out of 33 London Boroughs in Greater London for breast cancer screening coverage in 2022, with Havering ranked 1 (73.3%) and Hammersmith and Fulham ranked 33 (40.9%).
The resulting recommendation and one that Paul Kohler and the Lib Dems fully endorse was :
“That [Merton Council's] Cabinet request that NHS England provides a breast cancer screening site in Merton as a matter of urgency. This would improve access to important services and contribute to reducing health inequalities.”
Paul Kohler has written to the Department of Health to demand for support for a new centre which would help catch cancer earlier.
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