Council rejects petition for zebra crossing

The Labour administration on Merton Council has rejected a petition signed by over 650 local residents for a new zebra crossing on Cannon Hill Lane, claiming that it is unable to consider the request due to "the high level of demand for intervention throughout the borough".
However, figures uncovered by the Liberal Democrat councillor for Cannon Hill, Jenifer Gould, show that the Council only installed one new zebra crossing in the whole of 2021.
The petition, which was organised by Cllr Gould, has received significant support from local people who have expressed concern at the lack of a safe crossing point for accessing the Joseph Hood Recreation Ground and Cannon Hill Common.
"The Council's refusal to even consider the request for a safe crossing point on Cannon Hill Lane is a slap in the face for local residents", said Cllr Gould.
"The Cannon Hill community has been complaining about the lack of safe access to our local parks for some time, but their concerns have been repeatedly ignored by Labour and Conservative councillors.
"Local residents will feel even more insulted by council bosses claiming a 'high level of demand' as an excuse not to take any action, given that the figures I have uncovered show that the council only installed one new zebra crossing in the whole of 2021.
"Merton Liberal Democrats will continue to campaign for a safe crossing point on Cannon Hill Lane, and will hold the Council to account for its failure to take action on local residents’ concerns."