Merton Lib Dems 2024 AGM Agenda
Merton Lib Dems' annual general meeting will be held at Wimbledon Library - Merton Arts Space - entrance around the side on Compton Road from 7.30pm on 15/11/24 (please arrive from 7.15pm for a prompt start).
From 7:15pm - Food and refreshments will be available for attendees prior to, during and after the meeting (please offer a small donation).
The formal agenda is below which should take no more than 45 minutes.
Once items 1-7 are dealt with Cllr Paul Kohler MP will introduce our guest speaker Brian Moore. Brian is trustee of Women in Sport and a former England rugby player.
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting held on 24th November 2023.
3. Questions pertaining to Officer Reports from:-
a. Chair - Phil Ling
b. Treasurer - Cllr John Oliver
c. Membership Officer - Barry Smith
d. Elections Officer - Richard Poole
e. Leader of Merton Council Group - Cllr Anthony Fairclough
f. Member of parliament for Wimbledon - Cllr Paul Kohler MP
4. Motions to AGM (if any)
5. Election of Honorary President (see note 1)
6. Nominations / Election of Officers, Executive Committee Members (see note 2)
Details of the roles and how to put yourself forward for a role can be found here.
a. Chair
b. Vice-Chair
c. Treasurer
d. Secretary
e. Elections Officer
f. Membership Development Officer
g. Diversity Champion
h. Ordinary members (x3)
7. To note the Accounts for 2022 (see note 3)
8. Cllr Paul Kohler MP will introduce our guest speaker, Brian Moore.
9. Raffle draw.
Note 1 Section 5.c of the English Model Local Party Constitution allows for the election of an Honorary President.
Note 2 Members are notified at the AGM of the nominations received and a declaration of any uncontested posts as being elected and a ballot of members for the remainding Exec posts will be held online at a later date if necessary.
Note 3 – The 2023 Accounts for the Local Party were approved by the Executive Committee of the Local Party and sent to the Chief Executive at Party HQ. Therefore the accounts have been approved and only need to be noted.